NOTICE is given that on 6th August 2020, the Bath and North East Somerset Council made the above order, under provisions contained in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which, subject to the listed exceptions, will be to temporarily prohibit parking on the The Shallows, Saltford on both sides for its entire length for a period of 18 months.
The Bath and North East Somerset (THTTC2311, The Shallows, Saltford) (Temporary Prohibition and Restriction of Parking) Order 2020 will come into operation on 7th August 2020 and a copy, together with a Statement of the Council's reasons for making the order may be requested, free of charge, by contacting 01225 394041 or by email The Order, together with a Statement of the Council’s reasons may also be viewed on the Council’s website:, by searching for the THTTC number above.
Traffic Management Team Bath and North East Somerset Council Lewis House Manvers Street BATH BA1 1JG Dated: 6th August 2020
Chris Major Assistant Director Highways & Transport