Notice is given that Bath and North East Somerset Council in exercise of its powers under section 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 has made an order to the effect of which will be to temporarily suspend parking in that length of roads listed in schedule 1.


This order is required to facilitate the filming of Belgravia and shall be operative from the dates below:


Alfred Street: 14th July – 18th July

Bennett Street: 15th July – 17th July


Applicant details: Bath Film Office

Telephone: 01225 477711



Dated:  28th June 2019


Bath and North East Somerset Council

Traffic Regulation Order Team

Lewis House

Manvers Street







Kelvin Packer

Highways and Traffic

Group Manager



Schedule 1

Alfred Street, Bath

From its point with Saville Row to a point approximately 54 metres away in a westerly direction.


Bennett Street, Bath

From its point with Saville Row to a point 54 metres away in a westerly direction.

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