Notice is hereby given that the Bath and North East Somerset Council in pursuance of the provisions of section 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 has made an order the effect of which will be to temporarily restrict vehicular traffic in the following roads:-  



 To temporarily close Queen Street, Bath extending from its junction with Quiet Street to its junction with Trim Street;


 Harrington Place, Bath extending from its junction with Queen Street to its junction with Barton Street;


To introduce a temporary reversal of the one-way working of Wood Street and Barton Street to allow vehicles to travel in the opposite direction during the times of this restriction.


To temporarily suspend any current provisions to load, wait or park on the following lengths of road:


Wood Street from its junction with Quiet Street to its junction with Barton Street, full length.


Barton Street from its junction with Wood Street to its junction with Trim Street, full length.


To temporarily suspend the cycleway order on that length of cycleway which extends from its

junction with John Street and Queen Street to its junction with Barton Street and the cycleway

that runs the length of Barton Street whilst this order is in operation.


To temporarily suspend the No Entry Order at the entrance to Wood Street to allow vehicles to enter said highway whilst this order is in operation.


Bollards to be removed at Beauford Square to allow vehicles to exit Barton Street onto Monmouth Street.


The order is required to facilitate the holding of the World Gin Day 2023 - Street Party, between the times of 08.00hrs to 21.00hrs on Saturday 10th June 2023.


Dated:  25th May 2023


Bath and North East Somerset Council

Traffic Management Team
Lewis House
Manvers Street,
Bath BA1 1JG



Chris Major

Director of

Place Management



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