NOTICE is given that Bath and North East Somerset Council proposes to make an order under provisions contained in the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984, the effect of which will be that it is prohibited to drive a motor vehicle at a speed exceeding 40 miles per hour on the length of the road in South Stoke, Midford and Hinton Charterhouse as listed in Schedule 2 to this Notice and that it is prohibited to drive a motor vehicle at a speed exceeding 50 miles per hour on the length of the road in South Stoke, Midford and Hinton Charterhouse as listed in Schedule 3 to this Notice.

Full details of the proposals are contained in the draft order, which together with a map and a Statement of the Council's Reasons for proposing to make the order may be inspected at; The One Stop Shops at The Hollies, High Street, Midsomer Norton, 3-4 Manvers Street, Bath and at Keynsham Civic Centre, Market Walk, Keynsham during normal office hours.

Objections and representations with respect to the proposal, together with the grounds on which they are made must be sent by 08th November 2018 either in writing to the Traffic Management Team at the address below, or by email to  Please quote the title of the scheme; (B3110, South Stoke, Midford and Hinton Charterhouse) (30 M.P.H Speed Limit) (40 M.P.H Speed Limit) (50 M.P.H Speed Limit) Order 2006 (Variation NO.1) Order 2018 and the reference 18-019.   For any queries concerning this proposal please telephone 01225 395386 Please note that all representations received may be considered in public by the Council and that the substance of any representation together with the name and address of the person making it, could become available for public inspection.

Traffic Management Team

Lewis House,

Manvers Street,


BA1 1JG.

Kelvin Packer

Group Manager

Highways & Traffic

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