All major developments inside or adjacent to an AQMA (Air Quality Management Area) (Major applications are developments of 10 or more dwellings, residential sites of 0.5 ha or more, and other buildings with a floor space of 1,000m sq or on sites of 1 ha or more, and all waste applications).

Report indicating the change in air quality resulting from the proposed development and outlining appropriate mitigation measures as necessary.

The content of an air quality assessment will vary depending on the nature of the proposed development.  However, as a minimum the following information should be included:

a)     Relevant details of the proposed development;

b)     Description of the relevant air quality standards and objectives;

c)      Details of the assessment method;

d)     Results of the modelling assessment;

e)     Summary of the assessment results.

More detailed guidance on dealing with air quality concerns within the Development Control process is contained within the updated guidance from NSCA - Development Control: Planning for Air Quality (PDF - external website).

Further advice is available in the National Planning Policy Framework (external link).

Information on air quality management areas can be found on our website.


Last updated: 20 March 2018

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