We have given careful consideration to traffic movement and access, to avoid having an impact on nearby roads.
The site is arranged so that separate public and operational access points are provided, improving efficiency and safety in operation. Our studies have shown that during peak periods, the Broadmead roundabout will not be significantly impacted.
You can find more information in the Transport Assessment documents in the planning application.
See the key below this plan view, for detail on the proposed measures.

Diagram key
1 Care home access retained
2 Proposed crossing points
3 Proposed operational access
4 Existing RRC access closed (see 8)
5 Network Rail access to be retained
6 World's End Lane to be enhanced
7 Proposed 5m footway/cycleway
8 Proposed entrance to the public Reuse and Recycling Centre (RRC)
9 Turn back loop provided for RRC
10 Proposed exit from public RRC
11 Proposed access to car park
12 Future extension (by others)
13 Existing access retained