In line with our Climate and Ecological Emergency declarations and policy aims, the Keynsham Recycling Hub integrates carefully considered sustainability measures with flexibility and adaptability, to meet future demands.
These include the following:
- On-site renewable energy generation
- Building fabric efficiency
- Enhancement of ecological systems
Aerial view showing climate change and ecology measures
Diagram key
- 1 Planting and wildlife corridors
- 2 Solar panels on all roofs
- 3 Sustainable drainage strategy
- 4 Rainwater harvesting underground
- 5 Fabric-first building design
- 6 Futureproofing for electric vehicle fleet
We have built in the following steps and processes to deliver a more sustainable service.
- A full Environmental Statement (ES) has been submitted as part of the planning application for this development. The Environmental Statement: Volume 3, Non-Technical Summary provides a summary of the ES findings.
- Modelling shows a biodiversity net gain (or positive impact on plant and animal life) of 17%, through strengthening wildlife corridors and new planting, consisting of more than 200 trees and 500m of perimeter hedgerow. Read more about our approach to biodiversity net gain
- The use of renewable energy generation, via a 3800m2 (783kWp) solar panel array, will result in net zero carbon for regulated energy. Read more about our approach to net zero construction
- There will be benefits from the reduction in grid electricity carbon emissions, throughout the life of the development's operation
- Greenhouse gas emissions will be minimised, and will reduce during the lifespan of development
- Office and Welfare building have been designed fabric-first, meeting our Sustainable Construction Checklist