Current consultations
View all of our consultations that are currently running.
View closed consultations View future consultationsBath Air Quality Action Plan 2024 to 2029 - public consultation
We have produced an Air Quality Action Plan. Use this page to have your say on the proposed plan. As part of our legal duties required by the…
Travel, transport, and roads
School admissions arrangements 2026 to 2027 - consultation on proposals
Who we are consulting and why We are consulting the public on how we organise admission processes in the schools we are responsible for. We…
Schools, colleges, and learning
Bath Walking, Wheeling, and Cycling Links scheme
The Bath Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Links (BWWCL) scheme is one of several CRSTS (City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements) projects being…
Travel, transport, and roads
Consultation on City of Bath and Great Spa Towns of Europe World Heritage Site Management Plan
UNESCO World Heritage Sites are places of cultural, historical or natural significance to all of the global community. We conserve them for this and…
High Littleton and Hallatrow Neighbourhood Plan
High Littleton and Hallatrow Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared and submitted by the Parish Council. Following the Regulation 16 consultation…
Planning policy
Local Council Tax Support income band increase - public consultation
We have to make some changes to the income bands for Local Council Tax Support. This will ensure that the most vulnerable households maintain the…
Consultation on A368 speed limit changes
We are considering changing the speed limits along stretches of the A368 road, between Marksbury and Ubley. We are holding this consultation to give…
Travel, transport, and roads
Lower Lansdown ETRO trials
From Friday 1 November, we are installing three, linked through-traffic restrictions in Gay Street, Catharine Place and Winifred’s Lane under…