Temporary Traffic Signs

Guidelines for the Authorisation of Temporary Traffic Signs for:

  • Events
  • New Developments


Guidelines for the Authorisation of Temporary Traffic Signs for Events

Each application will be considered and if the following criteria are met, the erection of temporary traffic signs may be approved:

There must be sufficient off-road parking provision at the event site to accommodate the anticipated volume of vehicles.

There must be no other suitable signage that drivers can be advised to follow in the promotional literature for the event.

The event venue must not already be signed independently.

Signs that inform drivers to follow an existing signing scheme will not be allowed once that scheme has been picked up.

Promotional material for the event must accompany the application.

The event must be of limited duration.

Once approval has been granted, a number of conditions will be applied.

(1)     Signs are to be erected no more than 24 hours before the event, any signs found erected in advance of this will be removed and the applicant charged the cost of removal and an administrative fee of £50.00 per sign.  Similarly signs are to be removed within 24 hours of the event and similar actions will be instigated should any be found after that period.  When applications are made for a series of events the signs must be removed and re-erected for each event.  The above penalties will be incurred for deviations from this.

(2)     The company or organisers of the event must hold a current insurance policy that indemnifies this authority against any claim relating to the provision and siting of the temporary signs.

(3)     The signs must be of an appropriate size for the approach speeds of the road on which they are to be placed and must not interfere with any existing highway signage.


Bath and North East Somerset Council is entitled to charge for the administration of applications received from certain temporary companies and organisations but does not currently do so.  In the case of badly presented / designed applications where staff time is required to correct mistakes and check locations a charge may however be levied.

Unauthorised signs

Where signs are erected without permission, they will be removed, and the cost of doing so charged to the organisation organising the event named on the sign


New developments

Guidelines for Approval of Temporary Traffic Signs for New Developments

Developers may be permitted to put up signs advertising the location of a development if they meet certain conditions. A developer who wishes to put up a sign must apply to the Authority to do so. Signs may be permitted if:

  1. The development includes a minimum of 30 bedrooms
  2. The developers or their contractor’s public liability insurance shall indemnify the council against all claims for injury accident or damage which may arise due to the presence of the signs on or adjacent to the highway
  3. The signs conform to the Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions drawing P2701 (the house symbol in black on a yellow background).
  4. Each sign is mounted a minimum of 2.1m above the carriageway/footway/verge and the sign is at least 0.45m from the edge of the carriageway
  5. Details of the location, number, wording and method of fixing of the signs, along with proof of the developer’s public liability insurance must be provided to the council for approval prior to permission being granted. Only the minimum number of signs necessary only will be approved.  In most cases, this is likely to be the minimum number of signs required to direct from the nearest classified road.
  6. No costs associated with removal or maintenance of the signs shall be borne by the council
  7. The signs shall be removed within three months of the sale of 80% of the properties
  8. Any damage to existing street furniture arising from the erection of the temporary signs will be repaired and the costs recharged to the developer


Bath and North East Somerset Council is entitled to charge for the administration of applications for signs to housing developments but does not currently do so.  In the case of badly presented / designed applications where staff time is required to correct mistakes, a charge will be levied.

Unauthorised signs

Where signs to housing developments are erected without permission, they will be removed, and the cost of doing so charged to the developer.

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