What is a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order?

A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is made by the Council when it is necessary to prohibit or control vehicular and / or pedestrian traffic along the highway. TTROs can be applied to roads, footways or public rights of way. The Council can make a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order to cover planned situations, or we can issue an Emergency Notice if regulation is needed without delay.

TTROs are normally used to allow essential or emergency works to be carried out on the highway, typically installation of, or maintenance works to, services such as gas, electricity, water etc. However, roads can also be closed under the Town & Police Clauses Act, for street parties, etc.

TTROs are made under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.  For an event, a minimum notice of 3 months will be required.  A consultation process is undertaken with the police, emergency services and other professional bodies. Initial public notification takes the form of advertisements placed in the local press and on the B&NES public website before the legal team makes the Temporary Regulation Order.

A TTRO can have a maximum duration of 18 months for a road and 6 months for a public right of way. Examples of TTROs include: 

    • Road closures

    • Street closures i.e street events

    • Weight restrictions

    • Playing Out


Playing Out

To close your street to traffic to let your children play safely you’ll need to apply for a Temporary Playing Out Road Closure Order.  The scheme is to encourage children playing together safely in the fresh air under the watchful eye of their guardians and to promote the feeling of safety and cohesion amongst our communities. Bath & North East Somerset Council supports the aims and objectives of Playing Out which enables children to play freely and safely in the street in their local neighbourhood.  Application forms and further information are on the Playing Out page.


Street Closure S16A RTRA 1984 (Special Events)

Street Closure S16A RTRA 1984 (Special Events) - provides the authority for closures on roads in connection with relevant events.  A relevant event means any sporting event, social event or entertainment which is held on a road, not on adjoining land. This Act should be used if the applicant also wants to request to suspend parking or alter road systems to allow the event to go ahead.  There is a requirement in legislation for this application to be advertised.


Street Closures Town Police Clauses Act 1847 S21

Street Closures Town Police Clauses Act 1847 S21 – This application tends to be used for smaller events for preventing obstruction of the streets, public processions, and where the streets are thronged or liable to be obstructed. Events must be similar to “public processions, rejoicing or illuminations”.  There is no authority under this Act to suspend parking or remove restrictions e.g altering a one-way system.  This does not require to be advertised but consultation with local residents is advised.


Community Street Parties

  Applicants who wish to organise a street party for the community may do so.  We need the application form and a plan of the area a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the event.  It may be necessary to provide a risk assessment and possibly public liability insurance. Bath & North East Somerset Council do not charge a fee where these events are not for profit. The circumstances where a community street party can be applied for are:-

    1. The event affects a cul-de-sac rather than a through road
    2. The closure is of a small residential road where the diversion route is considered to be obvious to local motorists and diversion signage is not required.
    3. The event is organised by residents of the street and is not a commercial event organised for financial gain.
    4. The closure of a street which forms part of a bus route will only be considered in very exceptional circumstances, and where a suitable alternative bus route exists that does not require significant diversion signing and/or bus stop suspensions and/or temporary bus stops.

All events on the highway must be agreed by the Highway Authority and the event organiser will be responsible for posting road closed signs, notifying the emergency services and all residents affected by the event.


Emergency Notices

Emergency Notices can be issued by the Council in the case of an emergency, e.g. a serious gas main leak. An Emergency Notice can be issued for a maximum duration of 21 days where public safety is a concern, otherwise, 5 days is the maximum duration. 


Traffic Regulation Orders

  • A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order costs from £1,590.02, which is an upfront fee and includes the cost for advertising. The cost of an Emergency Traffic Regulation Notice is £282.48.
  • Applications should be made to the Traffic Management Team. We will then consider the effects of the proposed Order on the wider highway network. This procedure will take into account many factors.
  • An application form is available to download from this page. Please fill it in and send it to the address printed at the top.
Alternatively, you can e-mail traffic_managementteam@bathnes.gov.uk to request an application form or contact Council Connect on 01225 394041.

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