Appendix L

Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy
Appendix L: Information Sources and Evaluation Documents

Desk Study Information


Information type or layer name

Information source



Historic maps

Ordnance Survey

Paper/ Digital

To locate potential contaminative land-use types

Historic landuse database

Under consideration of purchase


To locate potential contaminative land-use types

Records of potential contaminative landuses, soil surveys and remediation work previously undertaken

Development Control and Building Control files on development in the District. Paper files and information stored on computer database system

Paper/ Digital

To identify known information on contamination: sources/pathways/receptors

Current and former Integrated Pollution Control/Alkali Act sites

Environment Agency/Environmental & Consumer Services records



To locate potential sources of contamination

Waste Management Licence information

Environment Agency


To locate potential sources of contamination

Closed landfill/former waste disposal sites

Planning Services and information supplied by the Environment Agency


To locate potential sources of contamination

Scrap metal dealers (current and historic)

Environmental & Consumer Services and Environment Agency records


To locate potential sources of contamination

Environmental Protection information

Environmental Protection hold records of pollution complaints and investigations on paper and Uniform database system



To identify known information on contamination

Historic landuse

Kelly’s Trade Directories, Thompson Directories from public and local libraries


To locate potential sources of contamination.


Groundwater Vulnerability Map

Groundwater Vulnerability Maps at 1:100 000 scale [14] [15]


To locate potentially sensitive (controlled water) receptors and corresponding pathways

Source Protection Zones

Environment Agency


To locate potential (controlled water) receptors

River water quality

Environment Agency


To locate potential (controlled water) receptors

Floodplain areas

Environment Agency


To locate potential pathways and (controlled water) receptors.

Consents to discharge to controlled waters

Environment Agency


To locate potential sources of contamination

Water abstraction licences

Environment Agency and Environmental & Consumer Services records


To locate potential (controlled water) receptors


Current ‘base maps’

Ordnance Survey 1:1250 / 1:2500 ‘Landline’ data



Present-day base map information layer on which to overlay subsequent layers of information

Geological maps

Solid and drift geological maps at 1:50 000 scale [16]


To characterise potential sources and pathways

Local Plan information

Existing and draft Local Plans.


To locate potential receptors (particularly protected areas of the environment)

Protected Species Records

Bristol Regional Environmental Records Centre

To be confirmed

To locate potential receptors (particularly protected species, such as Bats, Badgers and Great Crested Newts)

Sites and Monuments Records

Council Archaeological Officer


To locate potential receptors (including Archaeological Sites and Ancient Monuments)

Registers and recordings of receptors

Regulatory authority


To locate potential receptors (including SSSIs and NNRs)


Information Evaluation Documents

* British Standards documents:


- BS 10175:2001 [17] Code of practice for the investigation of potentially contaminated sites (replaced DD175).

- BS 5930:1999 Code of practice for site investigations.

* DEFRA Contaminated Land Research (CLR) Reports:

- No. 1: A framework for assessing the impact of contaminated land on groundwater and surface water.

- No. 2: Guidance on preliminary site inspection of contaminated land.

- No. 3: Documentary research on industrial sites.

- No. 4: Sampling strategies for contaminated land.

- No. 5: Information systems for land contamination.

- No. 6: Prioritisation & categorisation procedure for sites which may be contaminated.

- No. 7: Assessment of risks to human health from land contamination: An overview of the development of soil guideline values and related research.

- No.8: Potential contaminants for the assessment of land

- No. 9: Contaminants in soil: Collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans

- No. 10: The contaminated land exposure assessment model (CLEA): Technical basis and algorithms

- No. 12: A quality approach for contaminated land consultancy.

* DEFRA and the Environment Agency Contaminants in Soil: Collation of Toxicological Data and Intake Values for Humans (TOX) reports

* DEFRA and the Environment Agency Soil Guideline Value (SGV) reports

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