1.4 Development of the Strategy, 1.5, 1.6
Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy
1.4 Development of the Strategy
B&NES Council has developed the Strategy following guidelines [6] issued by the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (DTLR).
The final version of the Strategy, taking into account consultee’s comments, will be presented to the Council’s elected members at the Housing and Public Protection Committee meeting on 15th November 2001. The Environment Agency will be supplied with a copy of the final Strategy.
1.5 Financial Implications
In the year 1999/2000 the Government included start up funds of £25,000 per local authority (£12m in total) via the Standard Spending Assessment to help local authorities develop inspection strategies, carry out site investigations, forward enforcement action and create a scientific officer post specifically to deal with contaminated land.
In 2003/2004 £12 million per year was added to the “Environmental Protection and Cultural Services” components of national totals for Standard Spending Assessment to assist local authorities in implementing Part IIA.
Further funds for the investigation and remediation of contaminated land are also available through the Supplementary Credit Approval (SCA) Programme, managed by DEFRA.
1.6 Objectives of Strategy Document
This Strategy document has been produced to meet the requirements of the contaminated land regime, which are as follows:
The publication of a strategy on the inspection of the local authority’s area under the contaminated land regime.
To demonstrate how the authority meets the criteria in paragraphs B.9-10 and B.15 of the statutory guidance.
To inform all the stakeholders of the authority’s intentions.
To provide information to the Environment Agency for its report on contaminated land.
A strategic approach to the inspection of the District.
Furthermore, the Strategy is aimed at providing a clear and explanatory reference, which may be utilised in clarifying what contaminated land is, how it is to be dealt with in the District, what information there is available and how it may be accessed.
Above all it is hoped that it goes some way to prevent negative issues concerning contaminated land such as misinformation, blight and inappropriate remediation.
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