If you run a registered charity, sports club or rural village shop, you may be eligible for up to 80% rate relief. Use this page to identify your potential rate relief.
Charities and amateur community sports clubs are entitled to 80% rate relief on non-domestic property if the property is totally or mostly occupied for the purposes of the charity or club.
We have the option to cover all or part of the remaining 20% of a charity’s Business Rates bill.
This discretionary power also allows us to cover all or part of any rate bill for a non-domestic property occupied by certain bodies that are not established or conducted for profit.
Certain types of business, such as the sole general store or Post Office in rural villages with a population of less than 3,000, may qualify for 50% rate relief.
We have the option to cover all or part of the remaining 50% of the rate bill in some circumstances.
This discretionary power also allows us to cover all or part of any rate bill for other rural businesses with a rateable value of less than £16,500.
If you would like to apply for either of these types of relief, please contact us for more information.