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Budget consultation 2025 to 2026

What we are consulting on

We are asking for your views on our draft spending plans for the next financial year, 2025 to 2026.

This consultation is about the ongoing “operational” spend on our day-to-day services, known as the revenue budget. It does not refer to one-off spending on infrastructure such as transport projects, known as capital schemes. These two budgets are treated quite separately, and we are not allowed to pay for revenue spending from the capital budget. Our proposed capital programme will be included in the budget papers being presented to Cabinet and Council in February.


In February 2024, following a public consultation, we agreed our budget for 2024/25. At the same time, we also set out savings and income generation proposals as well as funding requirements to achieve a balanced budget for 2025/26.

Following the publication of our Medium Term Financial Strategy in September 2024, we have revised and refreshed our budget assumptions.

Since then, we have needed to make some changes to the items contained in the 2025/26 budget proposals, primarily due to growth pressures as a result of the cost of social care including placements for children and young people with special needs and Home to School Transport.

Service growth has increased since the Medium Term Financial Strategy refresh in September. The main areas of growth are set out below by cabinet portfolio. These include new items as well as existing items that have increased following the review of growth pressures.

There are two types of growth propsals we need to consult you on, with a total value of £13,764,000.

Changes to existing budget proposals requiring public consultation

The tables below shows items that are a change to an existing budget proposal, which requires us to consult with you again on the change.

Children's Services

Table showing changes to our existing budget proposals for Children's Services
Item Description Impact Value (000s)
Demographics We have assessed the existing budget growth and demographics assumptions and have revised this figure to reflect rising demand, increased costs in the market and national policy directives. We have seen an increase in the need and complexity of the children and young people who need to be accommodated and the increase cost of care in the market. This growth will enable us to effectively discharge our statutory duties. Read Equality Impact Assessment CG01 £3,824
Children's Services inflation We must ensure every Child Looked After has a suitable and tailored placement, fulfilling our Sufficiency Duty which requires us to secure appropriate placements for all Children Looked After. As part of our legal obligations, we must adhere to fees agreed upon through the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), ensuring compliance with procurement legislation and contractual terms. Strategic Commissioners are working to agree a south west inflation fee of 5%, that covers fee uplift and inflation. Read Equality Impact Assessment CG03 £1,193

Adult Services

Table showing changes to our existing budget proposal for Adult Services
Item Description Impact Value (000s)
Adult Social Care demographics We have assessed the existing budget growth and demographics assumptions and have revised this figure to reflect rising demand, increased costs in the market and national policy directives. We have seen an increase in the need and complexity of the young people transitioning to adulthood and adults who have eligible social care needs; this alongside rising demand is having an impact on the service. These increased costs have been recognised as a regional and national issue by the Association of Directors of Social Services (ADASS). Read Equality Impact Assessment AG01 £1,958
Adult Social Care contract inflation We commission placements and packages of care for people who have been assessed under the Care Act 2014 and have an eligible care and support need. This is the estimated inflation requirement to fund associated contracts. The primary objective is to ensure our statutory duties under the Care Act are carried out, whilst ensuring this is undertaken in an approach that is financially sustainable to us. Read Equality Impact Assessment AG02 £3,155


Table showing changes to our existing budget proposals for Resources
Item Description Impact Value (000s)
Cyber improvements Provide recurrent funding to maintain 24/7, 365 days per year cyber security monitoring and response contract. Improved protection against cyber attacks. Read Equality Impact Assessment RG01 £90

New budget proposals requiring public consultation

The table below shows items that are new budget proposals which we are consulting you on.

Children's Services

Table showing new budget proposals
Item Description Impact Value (000s)
OFSTED SEND staffing Recruit additional staff to support the team with increased levels of demand for statutory assessment and higher caseloads. Reduce staff caseloads, improve service responsiveness and deliver more timely services to children and families. Read Equality Impact Assessment CG02 £179
Home to School Transport rebasing To address the current cost pressures as a result of high demand and increasing costs. All eligible children will be provided with appropriate Travel arrangements. Read Equality Impact Assessment PG03 £1,718
Home to School Transport investment Investment in our employed drivers and our vehicles. Some services will be delivered internally, reducing reliance on external providers. Read Equality Impact Assessment PG03 £350

Neighbourhood Services

Table showing new budget proposals
Item Description Impact Value (000s)
Waste staffing costs Adjusting base budgets to make sure sickness and holiday cover within waste and fleet services and adequately funded. Ensured continuity of service provision. Read Equality Impact Assessment PG04 £756
Waste running costs Rebasing of revenue budget following the first year of operating the new waste facility at Pixash Lane, Keynsham. The high standard of service provision and compliance at the new facility is maintained. Read Equality Impact Assessment PG05 £225


Table showing new budget proposals for Resources
Item Description Impact Value (000s)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) investment Introducing AI capabilities to improve resident facing services. There will be improvements / efficiencies in proceses, including translations and summarisation across a number of our services. Read Equality Impact Assessment RG02 £65
Improved customer contact technology Replacement telephony and contact centre system with modern cloud based technology. Making it easier for residents to get help from our services. They will get quicker responses through phone, email, social media, or live webchat channels. The support they receive will be personalised and improved, addressing their specific needs. Read Equality Impact Assessment RG03 £251

In order to help meet the additional funding requirement in 2025/26, and subject to confirmation through the funding settlement, £3.8m of funding estimated as a result of the Autumn budget has also been identified.

Given that this still leaves a funding gap, we are therefore now consulting on Council Tax, savings, and income measures designed to deliver a balanced budget, as required by law.

Before more detailed budget proposals are considered by cabinet and Full Council in February 2024, we are seeking your views on the:

  • proposed additional savings and income generation items, in addition to those set out in February 2024
  • level of increase in Bath & North East Somerset’s Council Tax precept

The final budget proposals for 2025 to 2026 which we bring forward will also reflect any other changes to our finances, including the level of central government funding, which should be confirmed later in December.

Emerging savings and income generation items

We have currently identified additional emerging opportunities to generate additional income and make savings. We are seeking views on these and the tables below show the items we want your views on. They are grouped by Cabinet Portfolio.

Each saving and income item in this consultation identifies the proposal’s impact. Draft Equality Impact Assessments have been developed for each proposal and are linked below.

If any items in the list were not to be included in the budget, the amount would need to be identified elsewhere to make up the shortfall.

The following saving and income proposals are new items for inclusion in the 2025/26 budget proposal or amended items from the existing 2025/26 budget.

There are two types of savings and income proposals we need to consult you on, with a total value of £6,230,000.

Change to existing budget proposal requiring public consultation

The tables below shows items that are a change to an existing budget proposal, which requires us to consult you again on the new proposals.

Children's Services

Table showing changes to our existing budget proposal
Item Description Impact Value (000s) Current net budget (000s)
Reunifications The savings will be delivered by an increase in family reunifications and step downs from residential placements. All children within residential placements will be considered for reunification or step down. Any suitability criteria will be based on the availability of suitable placements or family reunification. The team monitors outcomes to address disparities, supports providers to promote equality and inclusion, and is working towards a co production model with parent carers. Read Equality Impact Assessment CS02 £1,400 £19,340
Specialist Commissioning Saving These savings will reduce reliance on high-cost placements, particularly out-of-area or unregulated provisions, promoting stability and better outcomes for children. However, achieving these savings requires a careful balance to ensure cost reductions do not compromise the quality, safety, or suitability of placements, which are essential for meeting the complex needs of Children Looked After. By focusing on value-driven commissioning and stronger collaboration with providers, these savings could enhance service efficiency while maintaining high standards of care. Read Equality Impact Assessment CS03 £923 £19,340

Adult Services

Table showing changes to our existing budget proposals for Adult Services
Item Description Impact Value (000s) Current net budget (000s)
Adult Social Care commissioning This proposal will be achieved through efficient management of contracts for services and optimisation of commissioning resources. This will make best use of the Better Care Fund and Improved Better Care Fund to support better independence and support for people. Read Equality Impact Assessment AS06 £750 £4,900

New budget proposals requiring public consultation

The tables below shows items that are a new budget proposal which we need to consult you on.

Children's Services

Table showing new budget proposals for Children's Services
Item Description Impact Value (000s) Current net budget (000s)
Home to School Transport savings Net cost savings as a result of investment in internal provision. Some services will be delivered internally, reducing reliance on external providers. Read Equality Impact Assessment PG03 £600 £9,322

Adult Services

Table showing new budget proposals for Adult Services
Item Description Impact Value (000s) Current net budget (000s)
Adult Social Care Commissioning This proposal will be achieved through efficient management of contracts for services and optimisation of commissioning resources. This will make best use of the Better Care Fund and Improved Better Care Fund to support better independence and support for people. Read Equality Impact Assessment AS01 £125 £63,721
Review of Care Packages The approach to social care reviews under the Care Act will ensure people's needs are being met, their outcomes are being achieved and that support when needed is provided in the most cost effective way. Savings have been identified through matching levels of care to people's needs. None. Read Equality Impact Assessment AS04 £900 £63,721

Neighbourhood Services

Table showing new budget proposals for Neighbourhood Services
Item Description Impact Value (000s) Current net budget (000s)
Recycling income Income growth projected for 2025/26 due to market prices and optical sorting at new facility. Maintain advantageous contract prices, and use optical sorting at new facility to maximise materials value and help offset depot service operating costs. Read Equality Impact Assessment PS01 £450 £19,867
Green waste fees and charges uplift Increase garden waste fees from £57 to £70 per year to cover the increasing collection costs of running the service, so that subscribers contribute more to the cost of the service. Delivered by annual billing process for subscriber service. Read Equality Impact Assessment PS02 £350 £19,867


Table showing new budget proposals for Highways
Item Description Impact Value (000s) Current net budget (000s)
Parking reinvestment fund Budget saving by not spending the Reinvestment Fund in Parking Services (one-off 2025/26 only). No significant impact; however, opportunities to improve operational efficiency may take longer to be identified, developed, and implemented where current resources are available. Read Equality Impact Assessment PS04 £210 £210
Parking permit charges review Income generated from a review of the baseline charge for on street parking permits, including emissions-based resident parking permits. Charge is set within our on street Traffic Regulation Orders, therefore a public consultation will be undertaken. Outcome of consultations may impact upon the nature and the number of the proposal to be implemented. Read Equality Impact Assessment PS05 £172 £8,875


Table showing new budget proposals for Resources
Item Description Impact Value (000s) Current net budget (000s)
Commercial Estate - increased income Deliver additional income by refurbishing empty commercial properties more quickly so they can be let. Fewer empty properties. Read Equality Impact Assessment RS03 £200 £12,717

Existing budget proposals requiring public consultation

The tables below shows items that are existing budget proposals which we have yet to consult with you on.

Adult Services

Table showing existing budget proposals not yet consulted on
Item Description Impact Value (000s) Current net budget (000s)
Technology enabled care This proposal will be achieved by using technology enabled care to reduce social care resource requirements. Technology enabled care products such as personal alarms and pendants, bed and chair sensors, pills dispensers, and door sensors support people to undertake daily living tasks and enable independence. This will make best use of social care resources to support better independence and support for people. Read Equality Impact Assessment AS02 £50 £63,721
Provider services income opportunities As a provider of Learning Disabilities Day Services, Community Resource Centres, Residential Care Homes, and an Extra Care Service we have always offered a service to self-funders. This proposal seeks to increase the level of income generated from self-funders, placements commissioned by other local authorities, and Integrated Care Board (ICB) by charging the actual cost of delivering care. None. Read Equality Impact Assessment AS05 £100 £63,721

Council Tax precept

In addition to these savings and income items set out above, we will also need to propose a Council Tax increase to set a balanced budget. This is because even if all savings and income items were to be agreed, a gap would still remain of £1.2m.

The 2025/26 budget papers agreed in February 2024 and Medium Term Financial Strategy assumed a Council Tax rise of 1.99% in 2025/26, as well as an Adult Social Care precept of 2%. As each additional one percent of Council Tax raises £1.2m we are therefore consulting on a Council Tax rise totalling 4.99% including Adult Social Care precept.

Take part in the consultation

The consultation rans from Thursday 12 December 2024 to 5pm on Monday 20 January 2025.

The consultation period has now ended


Other ways to take part in the consultation

If you need support, a printed survey, information in another format including audio, braille, large print or in another language, or you would like to feedback on any other aspect of this consultation, please contact or call 01225 39 60 53.

You can download a PDF version of the consultation and the form to print, complete and return via post:

You will need to print, complete and return the form to:

Budget Consultation
Lewis House
Manvers Street

What happens next

Budget updates and proposals will be discussed at the following Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel meetings:

  • Children, Adults, Health and Wellbeing Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel on 13 January 2025
  • Corporate Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel on 14 January 2025
  • Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel on 16 January 2025
  • Corporate Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel on 28 January 2025

The detailed budget proposals will be drawn up for consideration by councillors at the following meetings:

  • Cabinet on 13 February 2025
  • Council on 25 February 2025

Council makes the final decision on setting Council Tax and the budget.

You can view information about all budget meetings on our council meeting calendar web page. You are also able to view meetings on our YouTube channel