West of England Food Procurement Logo

Healthy and Sustainable Food Procurement

The way in which organizations, businesses and workplaces procure, provide and serve food can have a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of local communities, the environment and the local food and farming economy.  There is a national and local policy drive for all settings to procure food and catering services in ways that meet health requirements, value for money and overall sustainability in the supply chain, to improve health and wellbeing, support a strong and vibrant local food economy and to reduce our impact on the environment and climate change.

West of England Food Procurement Group

A West of England Food Procurement Group has been set up by the 4 West of England local authorities to provide leadership on healthy and sustainable food procurement.  Membership includes procurement, catering and public health staff from the four West of England local authorities – Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset – along with representatives from local supply groups and other partners. The group works together to exchange information, share best practice and identify initiatives and actions to support healthy and sustainable food procurement across the West of England.

The Group held it's first West of England Food Procurement Conference, "Doing Thing's Differently" on Wednesday 1st February, 2017. Find out more about the conference here.

For more information please contact the Sustainabilty Team: Sustainability@BATHNES.GOV.UK

Guidance, tools and awards to support healthy and sustainable food procurement

Policy and Guidance

Tools and Awards

  • Food For Life Catering Mark
    An independently – audited quality assurance scheme to support procurement and catering services to provide freshly prepared, traceable food that’s free from artificial additives and transfats.
  • Eat Out, Eat Well Award
    A free healthy – eating award scheme to reward businesses that provide healthy choices for customers. Available to businesses and organisations within Bath and North East Somerset and North Somerset.
  • Bristol Council, Eating Better Award
    A free scheme rewarding businesses and organisations that meet health and sustainability requirements. This award is due to launch in April 2017.


  • Sugar Smart UKFind out how your organisation can join the Sugar Smart campaign and support customers to reduce their sugar consumption.

Find Local Suppliers

Sourcing food locally helps to support local food and farming businesses and the creation of local jobs, reduces food miles and increases food traceability and consumer trust.

  • Find local suppliers on the Big Barn Local Food Map.
    A list of suppliers who presented at the West of England Food Procurement Conference can be found below:

Additional resources

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