Submission of a Tree Survey/Arboricultural report 


A tree survey must be submitted where there are trees within a proposed planning application site, or on land adjacent to an application site that could influence or be affected by the development (this should include trees in neighbour’s gardens or street trees that are within falling distance of the application site boundary).

Information will be required on which trees are to be removed and retained and the means of protecting those to be retained during construction works.

This information should be prepared by a qualified arboriculturist in accordance with British Standard 5837: 2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations

The survey must include:-

A topographical survey showing the exact locations of the tree/s
A schedule to the survey that includes the following:
  • A reference number for each tree or group to be recorded on the tree survey plan 
  • Species listed by common name
  • The approx. height
  • The stem diameter measured in accordance with Annex C of BS 5837:2012
  • The branch spread at four cardinal points
  • Existing height above ground level of the first significant branch and canopy 
  • Life stage (e.g. young, semi-mature, early mature, mature, over-mature)
  • General observations, particularly of structural and/or physiological condition
  • The removal/retention category U or A to C grading (see 4.5 and table 1 and 2 of BS 5837:2012)
  • An estimate of remaining contribution in years (<10, 10+, 20+, 40+)
  • The preliminary management recommendations

A Tree Constraints Plan

An Arboricultural Implication Assessment

A Tree Protection Plan

Arboricultural Method Statements where necessary



The British Standard 5837: 2012 can be ordered from the British Standards Institution at:

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