The aim of the toolkit is to support early years settings with planning home visits so that they will have maximum benefit to the setting, the children and families.

By visiting a family in their own home prior to their child starting at the setting, you begin the formation of a trusting, informed relationship between the family and your setting. When handled well, parents/carers will feel valued as experts and you can begin the important process of sharing in their child’s development.

Home visits also provide a great opportunity to begin discussing home learning and so this toolkit also considers how you can help families to understand what they can do to support their child.

Research has shown that the home learning environment is the single biggest influence on a child’s development. Sharing this fact with families can empower and motivate them to support their child’s learning.

The pack contains the following documents:

For you as a setting:

  •  ‘Reflecting on home visiting’ – a tool to support your team in discussing the benefits and challenges of home visiting.
  • ‘Top tips- home visiting’ – a useful summary of key aspects of practice
  •  ‘Top tips- home learning’ – a summary of how to effectively encourage home learning
  • ‘Home visit evaluation form’ – a sample evaluation form to reflect on each individual home visit

Information to be shared with families:

  • A suggested ‘All About Me record’ and accompanying guidance notes
  •  ‘Why am I being offered a home visit’? – a leaflet for parents/carers explaining the purpose of home visiting and what to expect.
  • What can my toddler learn...? – leaflets with ideas and practical tips for supporting home learning. The leaflets include – messy play, books, maths, treasure baskets, singing, playing outdoors. You will also receive pdf copies of these leaflets so that you can print them out and give to parents/carers.
  • ‘Home visit evaluation form’– a sample evaluation form to be completed with each family to measure impact of the home visit.

You can view Home Visit Toolkit taster pages here

To order a copy for £15 (+£3.95 P&P) please visit our Pay for it now page. To bulk purchase, please contact us directly for a quote:

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