What do you need to do now?

Check your planning Decision Notice carefully.  Planning conditions may be applied to limit and control the way in which the planning permission is implemented. A full list of conditions used in each approval is in the issued Decision Notice.  Some conditions must be complied with before a development is started, some regulate how the work is undertaken, others require actions before a building is occupied or a use commences whilst certain conditions will regulate how the completed development is to be used or control possible changes in the future.

There is a right to appeal against the imposition of a condition if it is considered to be unreasonable.  You can lodge an appeal within 6 months of the date of decision. Contact Planning Services if you want to explore this further as any commencement during the appeal process may invalidate the consent.

The Decision Notice may also include informatives. Unlike conditions they are not statutory parts of the decision notice but the applicant is recommended to study them closely as they may assist in ensuring the development is properly carried out. Informatives may be used to guide the applicant to other approvals that might be necessary or to confirm the drawing numbers on which the decision notice is based.

Discharging Conditions / Applications for Condition Compliance

If you are unsure of the requirements of the condition, contact Planning Services.

Identify which conditions require you to submit an Application for the Discharge of Conditions.  Applications should be submitted and payment made through the Planning Portal.  Please provide the original planning permission reference number and the numbers of all the conditions that you wish to discharge.  Allow adequate time to submit requests to discharge conditions, as the Council may need to seek specialist advice from other departments such as Highways or Environmental Health.

Where details submitted are inadequate, the Council will reject applications for condition compliance. A condition is only discharged when written approval is given by Planning Services.


Applications to Discharge Conditions require an appropriate fee.

Failure to comply with conditions

Failure to discharge conditions at the correct time can invalidate a planning permission. For example, starting work on site without complying with the conditions may render your permission invalid and may result in enforcement action by the Council.

Building Control

Contact Building Control before starting any work/development, to make sure you get the necessary Building Regulations Approval.

Last updated: 5 October 2018

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