If you have a cognitive impairment like a dementia type illness, a learning disability or mental health problems, there may be times when you have difficulty making decisions. This could be any decision, for example, to do with your property or affairs, your care, where you live or how you live your day-to-day life. Being unable to make informed decisions is known as 'lacking mental capacity.
If you receive care and support funded by your local authority, it is important to make sure that care continues if you decide to move to a different local authority area. Your new local authority becomes responsible for your care and support on the day that you move. There are some exceptions to this such as when the move is into a care home funded by your original authority, but these will be explained to you by your social worker.
This section contains our policies, procedures and strategies. The aim of the information in this section is to support and inform the good practice of health and social care professionals
As a young person with special educational needs or a disability, making the move or ‘transition’ into adult life is a really exciting time, but you may also feel a bit worried about it. We want to help start preparing you and your family for this as early as possible so that you feel ready when the time comes.
Are you finding it hard to hold down a job or course of study because of a health issue, disability or because you are looking after someone? Need some advice about finding a job? Or perhaps you’d like to learn a new skill.
Activity can be a great way to improve and maintain good mental and physical health and help you live an independent life.
You may want to join a group or club, make new friends, volunteer or you may want to go shopping, visit a friend or family member or get to a medical appointment.