Picture showing pie charts and bar charts

The Council’s Corporate Planning Process brings its key plans together in a clear hierarchy that shows the relationship between the long term future for the area, the vision for the Council and the mid-term plan of action; the plan for the Council's finances, all the way down to what each Council service plans to achieve in the next year. 

Corporate Strategy 2016-2020 

The Corporate Strategy 2016-2020 is the overarching strategic plan which sets out the Council’s direction of travel over the next 4 years. It describes how we will deliver our 2020 vision for Bath and North East Somerset and how we will build on our progress and create efficiencies through innovation, improving the way we work and increasing income.

Service Delivery Programme

The Service Delivery Programme (SDP) is a public facing initiative that was introduced to demonstrably monitor and record progress against the Council’s Corporate Plan.  Now in its fourth year, the programme has been redesigned so that the commitments, taken from the 2013/14 Service Action Plans, are aligned with the Council’s refreshed vision and objectives, together with a fourth category to demonstrate Value for Money.

View the 2013-2014 Service Delivery Programme Report. This report provides an end of year update on progress made by services against their commitments for the period 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014.  Services have provided a short narrative of their progress under the ‘Measures of Success’ column for each commitment, together with an overall performance rating using the following descriptors as a guide

View the 2014-2015 Service Delivery Programme Report. This report provides an end of year update on progress made by services against their commitments for the period 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015  Services have provided a short narrative of their progress under the ‘Measures of Success’ column for each commitment, together with an overall performance rating using the following descriptors as a guide

Service Action Plans

Service Action Plans are annual action plans for each Council service that give details of the key commitments of the service in the year and the plans for how they will be achieved.

Service Plans

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