If you are operating a food business in the Bath & North East Somerset area, you will be inspected under the national Food Hygiene Rating Scheme and assigned a score from 0 (‘Urgent action required’) to 5 (‘Excellent’). This score is displayed publicly on the Food Standards Agency website, and is derived from:

  • How clean your business is and what your cleaning practices are like
  • Your business and its equipment's state of repair
  • The inspecting officer’s confidence in how you manage the food hazards you encounter in your business.

Running a food business can be difficult, and not everyone gets a ‘5’ rating the first time; this is where we can help. Our ‘Gain & Retain 5’ service is a package available to anyone already running a food business in the Bath & North East Somerset area that will help you identify exactly what’s required for your business to get a ‘5’ rating.

You can find generic advice on what’s legally required when running a food business throughout our website, but with ‘Gain & Retain 5’ we can issue tailored advice to suit your needs via an advisory visit. We can also offer advice on specific areas of food safety, including microbiological testing and higher risk cooking and storage processes.

The package is competitively priced at £285 (including VAT) and includes:

  • 2 hours of officer time. This will include an on-site visit of your business premises by an experienced officer. If you are unsure of what you want out of the service, you can talk to us about what we feel would be best for your business’ needs. If you do not spend all of your allotted time with your officer, you can also  use the remaining time to contact them for further advice directly.
  • A printed copy of the Food Standards Agency’s Safer Food Better Business pack, including a storage folder.
  • A personalised report by the officer who has worked with you. This report will help you by identifying areas for improvement, highlighting long-term goals for the business and offering advice on particular areas.

You can apply for this service using our online application form. Please ensure that you have read and accepted the terms and conditions before submitting an application.

Invest in Bath offer a business support and advice service on business-related topics other than food safety. Our services are carried out in partnership with The West of England Growth Hub and Better Business for All. 

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