Who is responsible for health and safety?
- Most health and safety legislation places the legal duty on the employer (company, partnership or individual) to comply.
- Responsibilities may be delegated to a 'competent person' to manage health and safety. This may be the employer himself, a suitably trained employee or consultant. However, the employer will still remain legally liable.
- All employees have a legal duty to co-operate with the employer and not to damage or misuse anything provided for health and safety.
- Directors, managers, supervisors etc can be prosecuted for health and safety offences if the offence took place with their 'consent or responsibility'.
- Employers must consult their employees on health and safety matters.
What does the health and safety team do?
- The team seeks to protect people from accident, ill health or injury relating to their work
- We ensure that accident notifications received in accordance with the Reporting of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) are investigated in line with national investigation criteria and our service policies.
- We promote health and safety in Bath and North East Somerset in accordance with local and national initiatives.
- We carry out health and safety inspections
- We investigate complaints about workplaces.