Business Advice

Our Trading Standards advice products will help you comply with a variety of consumer protection laws. Whatever your business, we can help and support you to build customer confidence.


What we offer

Business Companion

Free, impartial legal guidance for businesses

Trading Standards Bite Size

Trading Standards Bitesize

Trading Standards Health Check

Trading Standards Business Health Check

Primary Authority

Legally Assured Advice


Age Restricted Sales Online Toolkit

Age Restricted Sales Online Toolkit



(Prices are charged on a cost recovery basis)


Price inc VAT

Business Advice

Trading Standards Business Companion


Trading Standards Bite-Sized


Trading Standards "Business Health Check"

£285 (For 2 hours)

Primary Authority Partnerships

Option 1 

An agreement using standard contract terms with a fixed set up fee and annual renewable fee. Advice is then charged at an hourly rate

£640 - Inital set up fee and 3 hours advice -

£255 - Annual renewal fee, including 3 hours of advice 

£91 - Hourly rate (Advice and consultancy)

Option 2 

An agreement using standard contract terms and a fixed minimum amount of hourly advice, set up fee and an annual renewal fee

£1,800 - Initial Set-up fee and 17 hours of advice or consultation - valid for 12 months

£1,445 - Annual Renewal Fee - including 17 hours of advice and consultation - valid for 12 month

£91 - Hourly rate (Additional advice and consultancy)


To contact Trading Standards to discuss any of our business advice products please telephone 01225-396759 or email . Our service is available 9am – 5pm Monday – Thursday and 9am – 4.30pm Friday.  

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