Bathscape Landscape Partnership – (B&NES lead partner) November 2018 launched 5 year programme funded by HLF (Enhanced beauty, heritage and
engagement with the natural environment)
Waterspace – (B&NES lead partner) RTPI awarded – programme of projects including River Avon Park (Clean and plentiful water; reduced risk from environmental hazards; Enhanced
beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment; Mitigating and
adapting to climate change).
Somer Valley Rediscovered - (B&NES lead partner) - A partnership project between B&NES Council, Wessex Water, B&NES Public Health and Natural England which aims to better connect communities to their local greenspaces tackling both biodiversity loss and improving people’s health and wellbeing.
WoE Green Infrastructure Working Group (B&NES Project managing) – development of WoE GI plan to support delivery of JSP (Using resources from
nature more sustainably and efficiently; Clean and plentiful water; reduced risk from
environmental hazards; Enhanced beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural
environment Mitigating and adapting to climate change)
Natural History Consortium – coordinates Festival of Nature and City Nature Challenge, and Communicate – networking and sharing research and best practice to Connect, Protect and Enhance (25 yr Plan Goals and 3 themes of Year of Action). Parks Foundation for Bristol and Bath Parks.
Bristol Avon Catchment Partnership – catchment approach to prioritising/funding projects to improve the water environment (Clean and plentiful water; Reduced risk
from environmental hazards such as flooding and drought);
West of England Nature Partnership – WoE Pollinator Strategy launched 2018, assisting WoE GI plan, Access to Greenspace mapping (Thriving plants and
animals; Enhanced beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment;
Mitigating and adapting to climate change)
Mendip Hills AONB Partnership/ Cotswold Conservation Board –AONB Management Plan (Enhanced beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural
environment, Glover review of AONBs/National Parks)
Bristol Region Environmental Record Centre – partnership reviewing environmental records centre and need for wider engagement with environment records to encourage action – assist/improve reporting and monitoring(Thriving
plants and animals)
Local Wildlife Sites group – designating and reporting on condition of local wildlife sites (Sites of Nature Conservation Interest) – liaising with Defra to review approach to management reporting. (Thriving plants and animals)