Help with extending your child's learning experience.
You might find the information and support detailed on these pages useful alongside your child’s journey through education.
Your role as a parent/carer can be challenging and also be one of the most rewarding jobs you ever do - our purpose here is to offer you some advice, information, tips and guidance on various aspects of your child's time at school.
This resource is available for your family as your child progresses through school and to help you get the most out of parenting.
From time to time we may need to change policy, regulations, provision or resources during the school year.
You can also access the following information from this section:
- Chaperones (Children in Entertainment)
- Child Employment
- Child Performance Licences
- Education for C&YP who cannot attend School because of medical health needs
- Elective Home Education
- Exclusion of Pupils
- Holidays in Term Time