Mead Lane Mooring Trial, Saltford

14 October 2022 - Mead Lane Saltford update

We have been working with our partners the Canal and River Trust (CRT) and riparian landowners to identify opportunities for new mooring locations along the river, so that Mead Lane can be permanently closed to mooring boats by the target date of Spring 2023. Mead Lane will not be closed until a suitable alternative has been found. Boaters are still permitted to moor along Mead Lane over autumn and winter 2022, but are required to: 

  • moor in the designated mooring spots
  • comply with the terms of their licence from the Canal & River Trust
  • ensure that no nuisance is caused or laws broken
  • to dispose of dirty water and sewage at the designated places provided by the Canal & River Trust, Wessex Water or private marinas

For any enquiries about Mead Lane please email

For vehicle parking contravention along Mead Lane please report to

Find out more about our WaterSpace programme 

Mead Lane Saltford Moorings

Moorings are currently available along part of the riverbank at Mead Lane (please refer to plan).  These are 14 day moorings only.  There are no 48 hour moorings.

Part of the riverbank at Mead Lane has been designated as a space for nature and no mooring is allowed.  Please respect the ‘No Mooring’ signs and do not moor along this section.

Mead Lane is a residential area, so please treat these moorings as a Quiet Zone.  We therefore ask people to avoid:

  • Generator and engine running
  • Loud music
  • Any other disturbance to people and properties nearby

Please note that Mead Lane is very narrow and there are double yellow lines along its entire length.  The nearest car park is at The Shallows

Mead Lane mooring zones diagram/map

The outcomes and background to the Cabinet decision can be found below. 

Outcome of Cabinet meeting on 8 October 2020

B&NES Cabinet met on 8 October 2020 to consider the future of Mead Lane as a mooring site. The following decision was agreed:

RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed to:

  • Reduce the number of moorings in the short/medium term, by implementing paragraphs 2.2. & 2.3, thereby increasing the amount of open space along Mead Lane 
  • Agree to a long-term aspiration to relocate moorings from Mead Lane – with a target date of 31st December 2022
  • Ensure that suitable alternative moorings are identified and in place prior to reducing further any moorings at Mead Lane
  • To increase enforcement & engagement capacity


2.1 To work with Waterspace Partners to identify alternative sites for 14-day moorings along the watercourse and to request that it gives due consideration to the Opinion Research Survey assessment and findings, and

2.2  To remove the 48-hour moorings at Mead Lane from 1/11/20, on a permanent basis, this part of the riverbank to be reallocated as open space for other leisure purposes and

2.3  Agree to no 14-day moorings at Mead Lane, on a seasonal basis, during the time period 1 November until the end of February each year and

2.4  When the Waterspace Partnership programme of work and Opinion Research Survey assessment is complete (see 2.1 above), review the moorings on Mead Lane, with the aim that the total number of 14 day moorings available along the watercourse are not reduced, and

2.5   Create a joint River Warden post with the Canal and Rivers Trust (CRT)

2.6  Delegate future decisions on Mead Lane/moorings to the Cabinet Member for Community Services, in consultation with the Director of Environment and,

2.7 Request that the Cabinet Members for Transport and Director of Environment, in consultation with Avon and Somerset Police, review the parking restrictions along Mead Lane/Saltford

2.8  Request that officers devise a charging regime for moorings at Mead Lane, to be implemented from 1st March 2021, in accordance with delegations outlined in recommendation 

2.9.  Requests for future capital allocation for moorings to be considered as part of the council annual budget setting process.

Reasons for the decision

The Council is landowner for a stretch of riverbank on Mead Lane. Following an escalation in the number of informal moorings, a decision was taken to formalise the arrangements to help control moorings on this stretch of the watercourse. The trial was introduced in 2016 and an initial review was undertaken approximately 1 year later. The moorings remained in place until a more substantial review and consultation was undertaken in 2019. The results of the 2019 review and engagement were reported to Cabinet in January this year. Following the Cabinet decision, Cabinet/Council approved a revenue budget provision of £35,000 for Mead Lane. The funding, available from 1 April 2020, was to be used to engage civil engineers to review the stability of the riverbank and to enhance officer provision to monitor arrangements. 

Cabinet papers considered on 8 October 2020 Item 11. Mead Lane, Saltford moorings Cabinet decision

Background to the decision

Riverbank Mooring Assessment survey, September 2020

A survey was undertaken by engineering consultants Atkins on Thursday 3 September 2020, following concerns about the stability of the riverbank. The survey found ‘no immediate concerns or signs that mooring is adversely affecting the stability’ and provided a number of recommendations which have informed the cabinet decision.

Read the findings of the Riverbank Mooring Assessment

Cabinet decision and information January 2020

Mead Lane was temporarily closed in January 2020 following a Cabinet Decision after concerns raised by the local community relating to the extensive repairs/construction of the Mead Lane highway and river bank during 2005. The moorings remained closed  until the structural survey was completed and results presented to Cabinet on 8 October 2020.

Cabinet papers considered on 16 January 2020 Item 15. Mead Lane, Saltford moorings

Cabinet decision

Last updated: December 2020

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