Click to download the City of Bath World Heritage Site Setting Supplementary Planning Document.  Please note that this file is 15 MB.


  1. The City of Bath World Heritage Site Setting SPD
  2. High resolution maps from the document
  3. Attributes of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV)

Last updated: 5th June 2014

1. The City of Bath World Heritage Site Setting Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

 The Council has produced guidance to aid effective protection and management of Bath’s setting in support of policies in the Local Plan and the Core Strategy once it is adopted. It includes:

  • A description and mapping of where the setting is
  • Describes the various aspects of the setting that are important and
  • Outlines the process for assessing impacts on the World Heritage Site (WHS) affecting the setting

It also:

  • provides an overview of the international and national context for the protection and management of heritage assets,
  • outlines the wider benefits of the setting to the city and surrounding villages and
  • outlines some key management considerations.

The World Heritage Site SPD was adopted on 16th August 2013:

Relevant background documents include:

Guidance on assessing impacts on the World Heritage Site is a key part of the SPD for use by developers, agents and development management planners when considering development proposals. This will be expected to be used where a planning application may have a significant impact on the setting.

It is also intended for use by landowners and managers of land when considering proposals for change and when considering management operations. It is also hoped it will be of interest more generally to residents and visitors.

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2. High resolution maps from the document

The maps available within the document are available below.  Please take a note of each map’s file size before downloading them.



Where you will find it within in the SPD 

File Size 


Planning Designations: Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Page 9, Chapter 1

1.9 MB


Planning Designations: Green Belt

Page 10, Chapter 1

14.4 MB


Planning Designations: Conservation Areas

Page 11, Chapter 1

6.3 MB


Planning Designations: Scheduled Ancient Monuments and Historic Parks and Gardens

Page 12, Chapter 1

6.2 MB


Indicative City of Bath World Heritage Site Setting

Page 26, Chapter 4

14.5 MB


Landform Features Associated with the Character of the World Heritage Site

Page 34, Chapter 5

8.4 MB


Contour Map

Page 35, Chapter 5

26.6 MB


Green Hillsides Forming Prominent Features of the Landscape Setting

Page 36, Chapter 5

7.2 MB


Character Areas

Page 38, Chapter 5

6.2 MB


View Locations

Page 76, Appendix 3

2.7 MB

8a to 8z

Computer Generated View-shed Maps from Key Viewpoints and to Key Landmarks

Page 78 (onwards), Appendix 3



Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Prospect Stile (Viewpoint 1)

Appendix 3

6.7 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Beckford's Tower (Viewpoint 2)

Appendix 3

6.0 MB


Area from which Beckford's Tower is Visible (Landmark 2)

Appendix 3

6.1 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Lansdown Cemetery (Viewpoint 2)

Appendix 3

6.2 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Lansdown Crescent (Viewpoint 3)

Appendix 3

6.2 MB


Area from which the Lansdown Crescent is Visible (Landmark 3)

Appendix 3

6.2 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at the Royal Crescent (Viewpoint 5)

Appendix 3

5.9 MB


Area from which the Royal Crescent is Visible (Landmark 5)

Appendix 3

6.1 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Little Solsbury Hill (Viewpoint 10)

Appendix 3

6.6 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Camden Crescent (Viewpoint 11)

Appendix 3

6.2 MB


Area from which Camden Crescent is Visible (Landmark 11)

Appendix 3

6.2 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Alexandra Park (North) (Viewpoint 12a)

Appendix 3

6.3 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Alexandra Park (East) (Viewpoint 12b)

Appendix 3

6.0 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Alexandra Park (South) (Viewpoint 12c)

Appendix 3

6.0 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Alexandra Park (West) (Viewpoint 12d)

Appendix 3

6.3 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Twerton Round Hill (Viewpoint 13)

Appendix 3

6.9 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Sham Castle (Viewpoint 15)

Appendix 3

6.0 MB


Area from which Sham Castle is Visible (Landmark 15)

Appendix 3

6.0 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Widcombe Hill (Viewpoint 16)

Appendix 3

6.1 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Prior Park (Viewpoint 17)

Appendix 3

6.0 MB


Area from which Prior Park is Visible (Landmark 17)

Appendix 3

6.1 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Kelston View (Viewpoint 19)

Appendix 3

6.4 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Primrose Hill (Viewpoint 20)

Appendix 3

6.3 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Ralph Allen's Carriage Drive / Meare Road (Viewpoint 21)

Appendix 3

6.0 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Ralph Allen's Carriage Drive / Bathampton Down (Viewpoint 22)

Appendix 3

6.1 MB


Area Visible from the Viewpoint at Ralph Allen's Carriage Drive / Limekiln Lane (Viewpoint 23)

Appendix 3

5.9 MB


Historical Views and Places of Interest in the Georgian Period

Page 140, Appendix 4

3.5 MB


Roman Historical Sites and Features

Page 143, Appendix 5

6.2 MB


Georgian Historical Sites and Features

Page 150, Appendix 5

6.2 MB


Georgian Bath in 1852

Page 151, Appendix 5

7.9 MB


Principal Historic Roads Into and Out of Bath

Page 162, Appendix 6

3.4 MB


Location of Road Viewpoints

Page 180, Appendix 7

2.7 MB


Location of River Viewpoints

Page 185, Appendix 8

2.5 MB

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3. Attributes of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV)

Statement of Outstanding Universal Value summarises why Bath is inscribed as a World Heritage Site.  A second document, the Attributes of Outstanding Universal Value, explains this in far greater detail and list aspects or characteristics which convey or express OUV.  Both are available via this link.

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