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Bath & North East Somerset Council is to await a review by the Department of Transport before considering implementing changes to 20mph zones across in the district.
The recommendation was made at a meeting of the Communities, Transport and Environment PDS Panel held on 17th July 2017, the Panel considered a report on ‘20MPH Zones – Review’. After some discussion, the Panel came to the following consensus recommendation:
The Panel RESOLVED to:
- Note the report;
- Accept that more data over a three year period for all schemes is needed to provide evidence for any future changes to the scheme;
- Note that revenue budget provision will be required to implement any future changes;
- Await the outcome of the Department of Transport review and request a report on this to a future panel;
- Recommend that the Cabinet Member for Transport and Highways continues to consider specific applications for 20 mph schemes especially where these relate to safety around schools;
- Recommend to the Cabinet Member for Transport and Highways that 20mph signage be removed where it is illogical.
Cllr John Bull (Labour, Paulton), Chair of the Panel, said: “Speed limits are something which raise strong feelings for and against and there is evidence on both sides as to their effectiveness. Therefore the Panel advised waiting until the national assessment of 20 miles an hour limits is available but in the meantime prioritising any new schemes outside schools where they are likely to be most successful.”