Hillcrest Open Space Community Consultation 2020

Thank you to everyone who participated in the community consultation which took place between August and September 2020. The consultation survey received over 40 responses and the drop-in events were very well attended.

Feedback through the consultation shows:

  • 94% of respondents either strongly or somewhat agreed that visiting the park is important for their health and wellbeing. Visitors particularly value the viewstranquillity, fresh air and natural surroundings
  • Visitors are generally satisfied with the quality of current facilities but there is some dissatisfaction with the condition of paths and entrances
  • Maintenance, overgrown vegetation and litter are significant causes of dissatisfaction with the open space
  • There were very high levels of support for suggestions put forward in the consultation
    • The majority of respondents (92%) supported suggestions for making it easier to get into and around the park safely
    • The vast majority of respondents (98%) supported suggestions for helping to tackle the climate & nature emergency
    • The majority of respondents (87%) supported suggestions for managing boundary vegetation
  • Visitors already help look after the park, such as by picking up litter and reporting issues to the Council.  87% of respondents would consider volunteering to help improve and care for the open space

You can read the full consultation report by clicking here.

What happens next?

  • The consultation report outlines a number of recommendations which are subject to funding being secured.
  • The recommendations have been prioritised based on feedback in the consultation and cost/likely availability of funding.
  • It is hoped that the High Priority improvements can be delivered in the next 1-2 years
For further information email. parks@bathnes.gov.uk or tel. 01225 39 40 41 (Council Connect)

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