
Bath & North East Somertset Council

Outline Business Case (for consultation October 2018)

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Outline Business Case (for consultation October 2018)

This page features links to our draft Outline Business Case, including all supporting evidence (more than 40 documents).

These reports are the results of in-depth technical modelling work completed prior to the public consultation in October/November 2018.

A final version of these reports will be compiled and published prior to the Council’s decision on a Clean Air Zone.

Outline Business Case (Full reports)

Document Title Description of contents
Outline Business Case (PDF) The business case to be submitted to central government to set out the need for the scheme, outline the details of the preferred option, and justify the requested funding

Signage, Boundary, Camera Plans (PDFs)

Detailed drawings of the boundary, camera locations and signage locations
Clean Air Zone Signage Strategy (PDF) Details of the planned signage strategy, including JAQU guidance and recommended sign faces
Clean Air Zone Boundary Updates (PDF) Log of the CAZ boundary changes prior to modelling and the reasons behind them
Proposed System Design Features and Payment Exemptions (PDF) Consideration of the system design features and payment exemptions/concessions considered
CAZ Data Flow Architecture (PDF) Flow chart of the flow of data within the CAZ back office system
Stakeholder Management and Engagement Plan (PDF) Summary of the key stakeholders for the project, details of engagement work undertaken to date and the plans for future engagement work
Options Assessment Report (PDF) Summary of the selection of the preferred option, including both charging and non-charging measures
AQ2 Local Plan Air Quality Modelling Methodology Report (PDF) Details of the air quality modelling methodology
AQ3 Air Quality Modelling Report (PDF) Details of the air quality modelling results
T3 Local Plan Transport Modelling Methodology Report (PDF) Details of the transport modelling methodology
ANPR Data Analysis and Application (PDF) Summary of the ANPR surveys and details of the data analysis for use in the OBC
Local Model Validation Report: Addendum: LGV and HGV Validation (PDF) Details of additional model validation work to ensure LGV and HGV flows are accurate
Primary Behavioural Response Calculation Methodology (PDF) Details of how the behavioural responses of non‐compliant vehicles have been calculated
T4 Transport Modelling Forecast Report (PDF) Details of the modelling process of future year scenarios, and the corresponding results
E1 Economics Appraisal Methodology Report (PDF) Details the methodology of economic assessment, including the approach, key assumptions and the model structure
Distributional and Equalities Impact Analysis (PDF) An assessment of the positive and negative benefits of the preferred option on key socio‐demographic groups
Bath CAZ Infrastructure Work Programme (PDF) Project plan from now through to CAZ operation
Engagement Summary Report (PDF) A summary of engagement activities to date including all identified issues, views and comments, with responses
Evaluation, Monitoring and Benefits Realisation Plan (PDF) Details of how the benefits of the scheme will be monitored, evaluated and realised
Stated Preference Survey Report (PDF) Details of the stated preference surveys undertaken to determine localised response rates of car or van drivers to a potential charging zone
Sensitivity Testing Technical Note (PDF) Summary of sensitivity tests undertaken, adjusting known assumptions in the transport and air quality modelling
Environmental Assessment (PDF) High level assessment of potential environmental impacts of the proposed scheme besides air quality improvements
Analytical Assurance Statement (PDF) Considers the development of the base and baseline models, and the assessment of the shortlisted options
Equality Impact Assessment (PDF) The Equality Impact Assessment
Financial Report (PDF) This report provides the anticipated costs of the scheme, which includes both charging and non-charging measures. It remains in draft and is in the process of being further updated. Parts of the document have been redacted for reasons of commercial sensitivity.
CAZ System Cost estimates report (PDF) This report provides the anticipated project costs of the scheme. It remains in draft and is in the process of being further updated. Parts of the document have been reacted for reasons of commercial sensitivity.
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