Image of derelict site at Bath Western Riverside

The Bath Western Riverside Supplementary Planning Document (BWR SPD) has been adopted, as of 5th March 2008. It now forms part of Bath & North East Somerset’s emerging Local Development Framework.

The BWR SPD was previously adopted for Development Control purposes in October 2006.

The BWR SPD is a Spatial Masterplan to guide the redevelopment and regeneration of Western Riverside, amplifying the provisions of Policy GDS1:B1 of the Bath and North East Somerset Local Plan.

The Adopted BWR SPD plus appendixes and supporting documents can be accessed via the links at the bottom of this page.

Crest Nicholson

In 2006, the Council received planning applications from Crest Nicholson for significant developments within the western part of BWR.  The details of the various applications can be viewed here.

A report regarding Outline Planning Application 1 (OPA1) and Conservation Area Consent Application was considered at the meeting of the General Development Control Committee on 17th January 2007. The Committee resolved to grant Outline Planning Permission subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement.

It has been confirmed by the Secretary of State for Communities & Local Government that the Outline Planning Application 06/01733/EOUT and Detailed Planning Application 06/04013/EFUL do not require Ministerial determination as a 'Departure from the Development Plan' and that they can, therefore, be determined by Bath & North East Somerset Council.

Revised proposals were received by the Council in April 2010 and can be accessed via the links below - the changes are currently the subject of re-consultation and the applications will be reported back to the Development Control Committee in due course.

Outline Planning Application 1 (OPA1) - this application covers almost 18 hectares of the BWR area. This application was originally submitted in May 2006. Revised plans and supporting information, including a revised Environmental Statement, were submitted at the end of September 2006.

06/01733/EOUT (Outline Planning Application - OPA1)

Conservation Area Consent Application - this application seeks consent for the demolition of a number of structures within the Bath Conservation Area.

06/01750/CA (Conservation Area Consent Application)

Outline Planning Application 2 (OPA2) - this application relates to approximately half of the area covered by OPA1 and is a separate proposal for Phases 1-3 of the Crest Nicholson development. The Environmental Statement relating to OPA1 also covers OPA2.

06/03396/EOUT (Outline Planning Application - OPA2)

Detailed Planning Application for Phase 1 (DPA1) - documents relating to this application can be accessed here.

06/04013/EFUL (Full Planning Application - DPA1)

Planning application for enabling site works can be viewed here.

07/02879/EFUL (Full Planning Application)

The above links are to our online database of applications.

** NOTE: All applications contain some documents with large file sizes, these may take a while to download **

Crest Nicholson’s website for BWR can also be accessed here


Proposals for a development within the north west corner of BWR, submitted by Westmark, were the subject of an appeal against non-determination, with a Public Inquiry originally scheduled for December 2006.  The Appeal has now been withdrawn.


There are also proposals for development at the south west corner of BWR, submitted by Renrod.  This application has not been determined.  The application details can be accessed here 06/00274/FUL.

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