This index provides a structured list of the Planning Policy pages available on this website.  Each page listed links to the relevant page.  A more descriptive list of the pages within the Planning Policy website is available on the Planning Policy home page.

  1. Article 4 Direction: Office to Residential
  2. Authority's Monitoring Report (AMR)
  3. Brownfield Register
  4. City of Bath World Heritage Setting SPD
  5. Core Strategy (Adopted)
  6. Developer Contributions
  7. Energy Networks
  8. Evidence Base
  9. Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations (Planning Policy only)
  10. Green Infrastructure
  11. Houses of Multiple Occupation in Bath (HMO) SPD
  12. Housing Land Supply
  13. Index of Planning Policy Web-pages
  14. Joint Strategic Planning Strategy (Planning Policy work with neighbouring authorities, replacing Regional Planning Policy)
  15. Joint Waste Core Strategy
  16. Local Development Scheme (LDS)
  17. Local Plan 2016 to 2036 (Issues and Options Stage)
    1. The Commencement Stage
  18. Neighbourhood Planning in B&NES
    1. Consultation on the Westfield Neighbourhood Plan
    2. Neighbourhood Planning Support
    3. Neighbourhood Planning Workshops
  19. Placemaking Plan (Adopted)
  20. Self-Build
  21. Statement Of Community Involvement
  22. Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and other useful guidance
    1. Bath City-Wide Character Appraisal SPD
    2. Existing Dwellings in the Green Belt SPD
    3. Planning Obligations SPD
    4. Priston Village Design Statement
    5. Sustainable Construction and Retrofitting SPD
    6. West of England Sustainable Construction Network
  23. Travellers Site Allocations
    1. Background Information
    2. Consultation
    3. Frequently Asked Questions

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