Change for Children/ Every Child Matters, 2020 Children and Young People’s Workforce Strategy and Working Together 2015 recognise that the workforce are critical to delivering improved outcomes for children and young people. Each of the strategies outline key areas for support and development. 

The 2020 Strategy sets out the vision that everyone who works with children and young people should be: 

  • Children and young people are safe
  • Children and young people are healthy
  • Children and young people have equal life chances

 The aim is to ensure that members of the workforce have  the skills and knowledge to do the best job they possibly can to help children and young people develop and succeed across all outcomes which underpin Every Child Matters; being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and achieving economic well-being.

The Children and Young Peoples Plan 2014-2017, sets out the vision for Children and Young People in Bath and North East Somerset.   "We want all Children and Young People to enjoy childhood and be prepared for adult life".

To achieve this vision all services for children and young people in Bath and North East Somerset must commit to supporting and improving the skills, experience and qualifications of their staff. A Children's Workforce Development Training Strategy has been developed which sits alongside the CYPP. This plan outlines the key areas of workforce support/development for 2015-2018.


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