The following charges apply to the listed services: 

Pre-application advice:

We offer a pre-application service, find out how to apply and the charges here.

S106 agreement compliance check:

Find out the charges here.

Non Chargeable Planning Advice:

1. General advice on how to submit an application to Planning Registration, its’ likely fee and where on the website forms/guidance can be found.
2. By prior agreement with the Planning Case Officer a half hour meeting/advice following the refusal of a planning application where there is a potential solution to overcoming the reason for refusal.
3. Discussions as to the requirements of a proposed Planning Performance Agreement.
4. Third parties seeking advice from the Case Officer about the details of a current planning application.
5. Advice prior to the submission of a statutory consultation on work to listed churches which are exempt from the listed building consent process through the Ecclesiastical Exemption.

The authority is unable to continue to cover the costs of these discretionary services without making the revised charge to the customer. The charges will be reviewed annually.

Last updated: 1 October 2019

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