Last updated: 6th Feburary 2020

The Localism Act (and Town and Country Planning Regulations 2012) removes the requirement for local planning authorities to produce an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) for Government. However, the Act retains the overall duty to monitor the implementation of the Local Development Scheme and the extent to which the policies set out in the Local Development Documents are being achieved. For this reason the Council will continue to publish an AMR at least annually but subsequent versions will take on a slightly different form. The Localism Act gives more flexibility as to when and how often an AMR is prepared. The Council will now be able to choose which targets and indicators to include in the report.

The following reports are currently available:

Previous Annual Monitoring Reports

Under the previous system, local authorities were required to produce an Annual Monitoring Report and submit it to the Secretary of State in December each year. They provide information on progress with the Local Development Framework and on the effectiveness of planning policies during the past financial year.

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